Niels Bonde 95% sure Facial Recognition and other works
Three decades ago very few people would have considered surveillance a central factor in their everyday life. In 2018 it has become an inevitable condition to which everyone must relate; a condition whose diffusion, complexity and lack of transparency has only grown, and which – paradoxically – involves both restrictions on and potentials for the self-expression of the individual. Our personally sensitive data are leaked while we willingly share private moments with the whole world on the social media.
In the lounge of the gallery we present a selection of Niels Bonde’s most significant works from recent years in the form of sculptures, LED screens, tapestries, prints, garments and models. In the quiet, intimately lit exhibition spaces away from the busy street Bredgade the public are drawn into a darker, withdrawn universe where Niels Bonde manipulates, visualizes and comments with equal proportions of seriousness and humour on today’s urgent issues of privacy. The exhibition “95% sure Facial Recognition and other works” formulates the strange mixture of fascination and fear that characterizes our current relation to and use of surveillance.