Ebbe Stub Wittrup


Born 1973 in Aarhus.
Lives and works in Copenhagen.

Ebbe Stub Wittrup graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 1999, and in 2010 he received the Danish Arts Foundation’s three-year work grant. In 2013-2019, Ebbe Stub Wittrup taught media art at the Jutland Art Academy.

In his artistic practice, Wittrup works conceptually within a wide variety of media. Since the end of the 1990s, Ebbe Stub Wittrup’s practice has focused on especially the photographic medium. Many of Wittrup’s works can be described as either neorealistic snapshots or as conceptual photography, both characterized by a mysteriousness and by themes such as mythology and perception. The photographic works are often combined with other types of media such as video, text or objects.

In his early works, Wittrup used manipulative photographic devices, but in more recent works he has aimed at a distinctive, photographically determined aesthetic that calls forth a visible and convincing sense of reality. Wittrup’s work takes its starting point in a specific conception of the world, which is expressed through the documentary idiom of his works. In doing so, Wittrup also seeks to convey a mythical quality, which has been implemented through tales and legends. For example, Wittrup has photographed various medieval bridges in Southern Europe, so-called Devil’s Bridges, which seem impossible in their construction and location and therefore encourages myth-formation.

Ebbe Stub Wittrup has been presented at a number of group and solo exhibitions, both in Denmark and abroad. Most recently the exhibition Botanical Drift at Copenhagen Contemporary, which was presented in collaboration with the Gl. Holtegaard. While Botanical Drift was a presentation of Ebbe Stub Wittrup’s sculptural works and installations, Photographs at Gl. Holtegaard exhibited selected photographic works by Wittrup from the past ten years.

He is represented in art collections at Albright-Knox Gallery in New York, SMK – The National Gallery of Denmark, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, the Danish Arts Foundation, Carlsberg Foundation, The National Museum of Photography, Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Foundation, Austria, and Faulconer Gallery, USA.

Selected Works

Biography / CV

Born in 1973 in Aarhus, Denmark.
Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.


1999 – Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic, 1999



Stolen Fire, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Authors of names, Politikens Forhal, Copenhagen, Denmark


Botanical Drift, Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark

Photographs, Gl. Holtegaard, Holte, Denmark


Transmissions, Galerie MøllerWitt, Aarhus, Denmark


Figures of Perception, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Clear Water on Both Sides of The Glass, a two person show with Ulrik Heltoft & Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Kunsthall CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain

Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Braunschweig Kunstverein, Braunschweig, Germany

Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Kunsthalle Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


The third room, ARoS, Aarhus Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Aarhus, Denmark


Presumed Reality, Kirchner Museum Davos, Davos, Switzerland

Two Faced Vase, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


OVERGADEN Institut for samtidskunst, Copenhagen, Denmark


Presumed Reality, Nusser & Baumgart, Munich, Germany


Devil’s Bridge, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Presumed Reality, with Benjamin Bergmann, Otto Zoo, Milan, Italy


Presumed Reality, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark


MEANWHILE NOW, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark


Things Happen, Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark



Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Naboplanter, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark


Summer In The City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Frie Hænder, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

La imagen construida, the Valencian Museum of Enlightenment and Modernity, Spain


Summer In The City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Den Frie 22, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

Tradition is Contemporary, the National Crafts Museum & Hastkala Academy, New Delhi, India

Lumières Nordiques, huit artistes danois, Normandy, France


Summer In The City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Den Frie 21, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark


Summer In The City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Den Frie 20, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark


Summer In The City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


We the People: New Art from the Collection, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, United States

En kort historie om abstraktion, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved, Denmark

Photography to end all Photography, Brandts, Odense, Denmark

TESER – Danske samtidskunstnere i dialog med reformationen, Stiftung Christliche Kunst, Wittenberg, Germany


Cool, Calm and Collected, ARoS, Aarhus Museum of Modern and Contempory Art, Denmark

Op til 18, Galerie MøllerWitt, Aarhus, Denmark

Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Human; Nature, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Spot exhibition, the National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

TESER – Danske samtidskunstnere i dialog med reformationen, Ribe Kunstmuseum, Ribe, Denmark

The Round Tower, Copenhagen, Denmark

Den Frie Udstilling – Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, The Danish Art Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark

Den Frie Udstilling – Sydhavn Station, Danish Art Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark


Jahresgaben 1969-2016, Kunstverein Brauschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

I takt – med Ib Geertsen gouacher fra 50’erne, Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Expanding Frontiers, à la Fondation Hippocrène, Paris, France

Opslag Nedslag – danske kunstnerbøger, the Black Diamond – The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark

Museum Pist Protta, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark


Naturmøder, J.F. Willumsens Museum, Frederikssund, Denmark

Summer in the City #10, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

31st Bienal de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PHOTOGRAPHY, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Consequently gaze – landscapes in the collection, CEDRU – Center of Studies and Regional Development and Urban, Lda, Lisbon, Portugal

Stafetten – Dansk Samtidskunst, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark

Trust, Overgaden – Institut for Samtidskunst, Copenhagen, Denmark

Wilderness, New Shelter Plan, Carlsberg District, Copenhagen, Denmark


Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Highlights from Corporate Collections, Bonhams, London, United Kingdom

IM-MATERIALITET NO. 3 (BEVIDSTHED), Sorø Kunstmuseum, Sorø, Denmark

Beyond Realism, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

HURRA! 39 Daish artists, LLC, California, United States

Tilstedeværelse, materialitet, nr. 3, Sorø Kunstmuseum, Sorø, Denmark


Zeigen, an audiotour through Copenhagen, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Til Tiden – Information og køreplaner/On Time – Information and Timetables, Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen, Denmark

State of the Art, Slottet, Copenhagen Photo Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

VIDEO, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Space In A Religious Place, Giotto Religious Museum, Holbæk, Denmark

Enter Triennale, Brandts, Odense, Denmark

Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Life Clock, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Armory Show / The Nordic Focus, New York, United States


Ny dansk Fotografi, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

Triennalen Enter II, Brandts, Odense, Denmark

Summer in the City, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cross field, ParisCONCRET, Paris, France


To the highest mountain, Christina Wilson Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China

Budapest Spring Festival, the Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

This way 10, Brandts, Odense, Denmark


TOPAZ, curated by Ebbe Stub Wittrup and Ulrik Heltoft, Martin Asbæk Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


Nordiske Stemninger, ARKEN – Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, Denmark

Here I Never Wander Alone, Co-Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark


Lianzhou International Photography Festival, Lianzhou, China

SALON #1, Lauritz Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

SUMMER IN THE CITY II – MAP Group Show, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark

Achtung – Kunst!, Collection of the National Museum of Photography, Copenhagen, Denmark

Overgangen, Herlev, Denmark

The Human Nature, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark

SPOR, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg, Denmark

New Photography from Denmark, Houston, United States

New Adventures – Danish Cultural Institute, Beijing, China


New Adventures, Danish Photography and Video, Seoul, Korea

New Danish Photography, ASF, New York, United States

Summer in the City – MAP Group Show, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Open Book, the National Museum of Photography, Copenhagen, Denmark

NuHerAldrigMer, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark


Gæstfrihed, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark

Efterårsudstillingen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark

Danish Photography, Faulcener Gallery, Iowa, United States

Group Show, Martin Asbæk Projects, Copenhagen, Denmark


Fotografi 2004, Kopenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Forårsudstillingen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark


Ung dansk fotografi, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Denmark


Video Projection for “crossing” – Sound in Visual Art, Wien Kunsthalle, Prague National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic


Young Swedish and Danish Art, contributing video recordings for Joachim Hamou’s work Friends, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark


Censored group exhibition, National Gallery Manes, Prague, Czech Republic


Group exhibition with Martin Janicek, Milos Sejn, Thomas Ruller, Jiri Mateju and Pavl Koblicka, Gallery Palmovka, Prague, Czech Republic


Book and exhibition, “Picture Book”, in collaboration with Knud Odde, Anne Marie Ploug, Thomas Kluge, Eva Koch and five writers. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark.



Danish Arts Foundation, three-year working grant


Danish Arts Foundation


BMW Photography Prize – Paris Photo – shortlisted

Fogtdal Fotografipris

Danish Arts Foundation


Danish Arts Foundation, working grant

Danish Arts Foundation

Danish Arts Foundation


Artist-in-residence, Centro Cultural Andratx, Mallorca

Aage og Yelva Nimbs Hæderslegat

Ragnvald og Ida Blix Fond


Danish Arts Foundation, working grant


Danish Arts Foundation, travel grant


Aarhus Municipality Art Scholarship



Figures of Perception, Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite, Berlin, Germany


Perception Objects, Corner Kiosk, Copenhagen, Denmark


The Third Room, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum and REVOLVER, Berlin, Germany


Eight Coloured Cards, REVOLVER, Berlin, Germany

The Voice of Things, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, Denmark


Presumed Reality, Hatje Cantz, Berlin, Germany


leporello#15, Arena, Copenhagen, Denmark


OUTFROMUNDER, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, Denmark

MEANWHILE NOW, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, Denmark


Manual til dansk kunst, Gyldendal, Copenhagen, Denmark


Asterisk Nr. 29# v/m7 Newspaper edition, Forlaget * [asterisk], Copenhagen, Denmark


Places to go, People to see, Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, Germany


Book, “Exciting Comfort”, Space Poetry, Copenhagen, Denmark


Catalogue, “Picture Book”, Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket, Copenhagen, Denmark


SMK – The National Gallery of Denmark, Denmark

The Art Collection – Munich Re, Germany

Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Foundation, Austria

Foto Colectania Foundation, Spain

Falconer Gallery, United States

The National Museum of Photography, Denmark

Ny Carlsbergfonden, donation for Danish Cultural Institute, Beijing, China

Nykredit, Denmark

Art Foundation Mallorca, Spain

Statoil Art Collection, Switzerland

Statens Kunstfond, Denmark

ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Denmark

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, United States